
Cafeteria kitchen
It is possible to combine the cafeteria kitchen with the cafeteria itself.
The cafeteria kitchen includes large refrigerators and heating counters. Furthermore, it holds a cooker with an oven (3 plug professional oven).
The shared coffee/tea maker and pots can be utilized as desired.
Rental fee: 500 DKK

Catering kitchen
Fully equipped catering kitchen with a 10 plug professional oven, cooking counter, large refrigerators and freezer, stirring mixer etc. The shared coffee/tea maker and pots can be utilized as desired.
Upon rental, it is demanded that only professional/educated personnel utilize the machinery in the kitchen.
Rental price: 1000 DKK/day

Our large professional dishwasher handles the dishes quick and easy in connection with rental of the cafeteria and catering kitchen.